Tonight, while scanning photos to be included in the Franchot Tone biography, I came across one of my favorite Jean Harlow postcards and decided to add its beauty to the blog.
This tinted postcard was a gift from my good friends Lisa and David Sheftman, and has always reminded me of an oil painting. It states on the back that Jean is 23-years-old.
As mentioned in my previous post, I commemorated the 70th anniversary of Jean's death recently not by trying to pay homage to her at her crypt, but among friends.
I'm still sorting through the photos and memories of the events in order to do a proper write up. But in the mean time I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part, and who kindly invited me to participate, in the festivities.
One more note: this week, on June 11, marked the 49th anniversary of Mother Jean's death. I submitted the memorial page that I created for her back in 2003 to be considered for "famous" status but that application was rejected.
Once again, Mother Jean is turned down for official "stardom," not unlike all those years ago when she pursued a film career before settling for living it vicariously through her Baby.