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Sunday, February 11, 2007



You should have seen Knotts in it's heyday before Cedar Fair took over.......it was so neat! It was really one of those "down home" kind of places. Those of us who grew up in the area remember the fun of Knotts. They have since torn down some of the kitchy but fun places like The Haunted Shack. I really like the church on the property.......it was moved from Downey and it is very pretty. They have (or use to have) weddings there every weekend and services every Sunday. Did you get to eat at Mrs. Knott's Chicken Restaurant?


No, we saw it but were too full to partake.

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  • LisaBurks.com

    I'm a writer at large, located in Burbank, Calif., on the lookout for kitschy stories to share. My interests include cemeteries, local history, pets and other critters, and random shiny things that catch my attention. Thank you for choosing to spend a part of your online day here!

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