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Wednesday, October 18, 2006



Hee! Rayna, at the tender age of 4, is all about 'sale-ing' on Saturday mornings now (it is genetic)! Last weekend she was thrilled to 'score' a Barbie cash register (complete with plastic coins and cards) and a LeapPad learning system with modules from her favorite, Scooby Doo. More junk in my trunk, but we had fun. Groceries are overrated, right?

Have you ever read any of Mary Randolph Carter's Junk series books (American Junk, Big City Junk, Kitchen Junk, Garden Junk... and there's a new one in the works to be released ~November). This girl knows how to junk....


I'm impressed with her skills, you have taught the grasshopper well, lol!

Thanks for the book series tip, sounds great - the trick now is to find them for a quarter at the next yardsale, heh.

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