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thank you so for the link on where to leave items of love to our beloved Angel Michael Jackson.
i got the address and link from a friend on The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait i plan to send some gifts from the heart for Michael Jackson i will be making them my self they mean more when you make them you're self. so that is what i plan to do for him.
thank you so to the Fans in California for being welling to to deliver them
much love to you guys
from the bottom of my heart to Michael's heart in Heaven
I love you Michael So Much it hurts

screen name on The Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait is mrtlcrodriguez58
i am using the 58 from the from the year that Michael Jackson was born

You are so very welcome to the Swedish site about Michael Jackson!!


thank you, Elena! *added* :)

Hi Lisa !! Thankyou sooo much for reporting on fans' visits to Michael, and all those beautiful tributes … very emotional pictures …
Actually I'm a little disappointed because I didn't see my own card in the pictures you took on may 3rd, maybe it didn't make it to FL, because planes were not allowed to fly from Europe for a while (I'm french), and maybe that's why my card wasn't there on time … Maybe MJFSC fans will bring it there on june 3rd ? Or are they planning to go to FL only on june 25th ?
This is a glimpse of what my card looks like ;) :
Thanks again dear Linda ! And I'm glad you're a "dot" on MJTP ! I'm a dot too ! (I'm josephine, dot #3303, and I'd love to add you, if you don't mind !)

Hi Josephine, I checked with Heidi who is the administrator of MJFSC where you sent your card and confirmed that she did not receive it as of 5/6 but having now been made aware of the situation will keep an eye out for it on your behalf. Two other MJ Fans have had the same problem with delivery in May so it looks to be a volcanic ash postal delivery issue that hopefully will be resolved for June. Thank you for your kind words regarding the coverage! :) Lisa

Thank you very very much Lisa for checking !
L.O.V.E. you !!

hi Lisa,

I visited Michael's final resting place Sunday May 15, 2010. I read your info about what to know before you go visit Forest Lawn. I got there around noon. No one was there. I was happy about that. I was able to mourn alone and quietly and I said a prayer. I read Lisa Marie's plea to all us Michael fans to please bring his favorite flowers (Sunflowers) because she felt there was too much empty space around him. That has always been my favorite flower too. So I bout three silk Sunflowers (giant ones) and made a nice bouquet in a vase and put tissue paper around it with ribbons all in yellow. To my surprise, there were tons of Sunflowers outside the doors. I was so tearful yet thankful at the same time. Later I found out that Jason Levin who owns a Sunflower shop (sunflowerguy.com) in San Diego, heard Lisa'a plea and decided to donate thousands of Sunflowers. When I got home I found his website and emailed him. His wife emailed me back. Anyway, I am so happy that I got to go. I took photos and video of the outside of my trip. I did not want to be disrespectful. I did notice that the security pulled up to look at me and left. They could see that I was being very quiet and respectful. Thanks for all the updates. I will be back there again.

Thank you, Janice! I went of Friday and Saturday and took some photos of the flowers but haven't had a chance to do a post on it yet. You can see my photos here in the meantime:


Lisa, I and so glad your are keeping Micheal's name and face in the news. I just wish they would print more of the important things, rather than the lies they always seem to run. Michael was so much more than the news or tabloid media ever gave him credit for. I miss him sooo much.

Cara Lisa,
cosa ci sai dire circa la notizia che non vogliono più che gli amici di Michael vadano a fare visita e portino fiori alla sua ultima casa proprio ora che si avvicina il 25 giugno ?
Sei preziosa, come sempre e, ti prego, continua a scrivere ciò che i tuoi occhi vedono e il tuo cuore sente a tutti noi che siamo lontani ... with love
Laura (italia)

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By Lisa Burks

  • Exploring History From The Ground Up!

    I enjoy spending time exploring cemeteries, reading and photographing headstones of celebrities and civilians alike, and learning about the lives and deaths of these so-called "permanent residents" of the graveyards and mausoleums. This blog chronicles those experiences.


    I am a proud member of The Association of Graveyard Rabbits!

    May 2, 2009

    In addition to this blog, some of my older material is archived at Buried Treasures at LisaBurks.com

    One of the cemeteries I'm most interested in these days is Grand View Memorial Park in Glendale, Calif. I wrote about its legal problems for the LA Daily News' community hub, ValleyNews.com from August 2006 to December 2008, when Valley News ceased operations. In response to reader requests to have one central source of information, I created and continue to maintain Grand View Memorial Park (dot) Info.

    "We've gotten a front-row seat to all the twists and turns taking place at the beleaguered cemetery, Grand View Memorial Park, from an intrepid citizen journalist named Lisa Burks." ~ Jason Kandel, ValleyNews.com Editor, 12/28/2006

