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Thank you for the great insight from an expert.

Another source I have says that Dame Elizabeth is over in Holly. If I recall, there is another angel over there. Am trying out more.

When Angels come together for a Last Supper to celebrate the brightness of a new day...
Thank you so much for the excellent article!
R.I.P. Liz and Michael until we celebrate with you
Love you
Brigitte from Vienna

Thank you Lisa for your expert insight.

This was a beautifully written article.
I loved the quote of what the Angel actually is for.What she stands for. Eternal Life,not death. Not verbatum,I know,but I wanted to state what I got out of this. Thank you so much.She was incrediblly beatiful person both inside and out. A light at the end of the tunnel for all to watch,learn from, love,and follow

Excellent work, as per usual.

How close is the angel to the Sanctuary of Trust, where Carole Lombard and Clark Gable are buried?

Thanks, Vincent. :) Sanctuary of Trust is in the same general area as the statue.

I appreciate the information, Lisa, and I'm certain the spirits of Carole and Clark gladly welcome their new afterlife neighbor.

I wrote about Elizabeth as part of this entry the other day: http://community.livejournal.com/carole_and_co/396251.html

Thank you, Lisa. I look forward to the day I can visit this amazing place!

Thank you Lisa for this wonderful article and your amazing insight. You truly are an inspiration to your fellow grave hunters. You have an incredible dedication to both your passions, writing and graving.

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By Lisa Burks

  • Exploring History From The Ground Up!

    I enjoy spending time exploring cemeteries, reading and photographing headstones of celebrities and civilians alike, and learning about the lives and deaths of these so-called "permanent residents" of the graveyards and mausoleums. This blog chronicles those experiences.


    I am a proud member of The Association of Graveyard Rabbits!

    May 2, 2009

    In addition to this blog, some of my older material is archived at Buried Treasures at LisaBurks.com

    One of the cemeteries I'm most interested in these days is Grand View Memorial Park in Glendale, Calif. I wrote about its legal problems for the LA Daily News' community hub, ValleyNews.com from August 2006 to December 2008, when Valley News ceased operations. In response to reader requests to have one central source of information, I created and continue to maintain Grand View Memorial Park (dot) Info.

    "We've gotten a front-row seat to all the twists and turns taking place at the beleaguered cemetery, Grand View Memorial Park, from an intrepid citizen journalist named Lisa Burks." ~ Jason Kandel, ValleyNews.com Editor, 12/28/2006

