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Absolutely delightful post from your day. You make me so proud!

Wonderful actor, beautiful house and fantastic post. Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your experience, and a much-appreciated peek behind the scenes of a real Hollywood legend. (And thank you, Ford family, for sharing with Lisa.)

Incredible Saturday indeed! What a bar, not to mention the folklore associated with the house that truly needs to br preserved. Thanks for sharing Lisa :)

Wonderful, Lisa! What an awesome day you had in the spiritual presence of such a talent as Mr. Ford and his beautiful home and family. How generous his family was in sharing their home with you. I hope, like you, that the next owner realizes the legacy of the home and the great man that built it and keeps it as it is. Thank you, Lisa.

i have read that book. inteligent. good luck.


I was searching online for some information
about Glenn Ford, his house in Beverly Hills
and his resting place at Woodlawn cemetery.
Yes, I am still a "huge" Glenn Ford fan, but
never had any opportunity to meet him in person.
Why? Because I was born in Germany, visited several
times the US and L.A., but it was nearly impossible
to reach out to the Ford family.
Peter, his son, was sending me 2 nice letters,
after the death of his father with a thank you note.
So, the reason for this letter today is that I plan
to visit Woodlawn Cemetery in about 2 weeks.
I am coming from New Mexico (Las Cruces) and I
would love to see Glenn Ford's final resting place.
Do you have any information for me, how I can find
his memory sign in the Mausoleum? I think that I've
to walk a certain path after entering the Mausoleum?
As I saw, there is also a place with a vase to put
some flowers in.

I would appreciate to hear from you, and thank you
in advance for your time in writing me.

Best Regards,

Judith F. Schoner.

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By Lisa Burks

  • Exploring History From The Ground Up!

    I enjoy spending time exploring cemeteries, reading and photographing headstones of celebrities and civilians alike, and learning about the lives and deaths of these so-called "permanent residents" of the graveyards and mausoleums. This blog chronicles those experiences.


    I am a proud member of The Association of Graveyard Rabbits!

    May 2, 2009

    In addition to this blog, some of my older material is archived at Buried Treasures at LisaBurks.com

    One of the cemeteries I'm most interested in these days is Grand View Memorial Park in Glendale, Calif. I wrote about its legal problems for the LA Daily News' community hub, ValleyNews.com from August 2006 to December 2008, when Valley News ceased operations. In response to reader requests to have one central source of information, I created and continue to maintain Grand View Memorial Park (dot) Info.

    "We've gotten a front-row seat to all the twists and turns taking place at the beleaguered cemetery, Grand View Memorial Park, from an intrepid citizen journalist named Lisa Burks." ~ Jason Kandel, ValleyNews.com Editor, 12/28/2006

