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« Palimony Pioneer Michelle Triola Marvin 1932-2009 | Main | Conrad Murray at Forest Lawn: The Breakdown »


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Wow that was amazing! I`d absolutely love to visit there one day but unfortunately i live too far away :(

Thanks again Lisa, love your site x

Oh Lisa, what a beautiful video for all the fans around the world. Im breathless. Thank you. I will soon visit FL Im lucky I don't live far away and soon I will see Holly Terrace. Love it, Love it, Love it. Thank you again.


Great report, Lisa, as always. Your photos and videos are fabulous. And I'm glad Forest Lawn is allowing fans to gather and deliver their gifts.

Great reporting and photography, Lisa, as always. You do the whole thing proud. And I believe you are doing great work toward establishing better relations between those of us who grave hunt and the Forest Lawn staff. Through your reporting you are building a bridge of understanding between us all.

Amazing LISA! I saw the 2 guys in the black bronco with BIG cameras.....they were filming us.........it was closing time and the sun was about to start setting. Wonderful investigation work...

you guys make me cry I am sorry Michael I couldn't be there but my spirit is with you I love you and missed you very much . Thanks Lisa and Erin what you doing is unexplainable Love and hugs to all of you

Thanks for the post Lisa.

How does someone send a card to MJ through this group? I live out of the U.S.

Hi Laura, you can send a card to this PO Box address:

MJ Mail
2470 Stearns Street #202
Simi Valley, California 93063

I love the videos and watching all the fans showing Michael love.Wish I could be there,I live in Texas and no way to travel at the moment.I am going to send some flowers though.When do they get delivered?Is there a certain time or date to send anything?

Je n'ai qu'un souhait aujourd'hui : me rendre auprès de Michael que j'aime de tout mon coeur et qui me manque tellement. Vous avez l'air tous trés sympathiques et quelle chance vous avez de pouvoir y être ! Peut-être qu'un jour on se rencontrera à l'endroit où repose notre cher ange. Gros bisous de FRANCE à vous tous et toutes mes plus tendres pensées à mon MICHAEL adoré. CHRISTINE DE FRANCE

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By Lisa Burks

  • Exploring History From The Ground Up!

    I enjoy spending time exploring cemeteries, reading and photographing headstones of celebrities and civilians alike, and learning about the lives and deaths of these so-called "permanent residents" of the graveyards and mausoleums. This blog chronicles those experiences.


    I am a proud member of The Association of Graveyard Rabbits!

    May 2, 2009

    In addition to this blog, some of my older material is archived at Buried Treasures at LisaBurks.com

    One of the cemeteries I'm most interested in these days is Grand View Memorial Park in Glendale, Calif. I wrote about its legal problems for the LA Daily News' community hub, ValleyNews.com from August 2006 to December 2008, when Valley News ceased operations. In response to reader requests to have one central source of information, I created and continue to maintain Grand View Memorial Park (dot) Info.

    "We've gotten a front-row seat to all the twists and turns taking place at the beleaguered cemetery, Grand View Memorial Park, from an intrepid citizen journalist named Lisa Burks." ~ Jason Kandel, ValleyNews.com Editor, 12/28/2006

